
  • Commercial 1 - -
  • Commercial 2 - -
  • Commercial 3 - -
  • Audiobook - -
  • Training

    B.A. in Theatre
    • University of Southern Maine
    Audiobook Narration
    • Shannon Parks
    • Johnny Heller
    • Sean Pratt
    • Jack de Golia
    Video Games & Animation
    • Susan Palyo
    • Brent Mukai
    • D’Arcy Smith
    • Rick Zieff
    Vocal Combat
    • D’Arcy Smith
    E-Learning & Medical Narration
    • Tom Dheere
    • Shelley Avellino
    • Debbie Irwin
    • Melissa Moats
    Anime Dubbing
    • Brent Mukai
    • Megan Shipman
    Video ADR
    • Donovan Weyland
    • Melissa Moats

    Studio Specs

    • Sennheiser MK4
    • Focusrite Scarlett Solo
    • Adobe Audition
    • Izotope RX7

    About Crys

    Crys Bruschi is a Voice Actress living in northern New England. She has a degree in Theatre and has been performing onstage for over 20 years. Having inherited an unwavering DIY spirit from the strong women in her family, she build her own professional grade remote studio so she could continue to pursue her love of performance, while raising her beautiful twins.

    With a background in management and customer service, Crys makes her client’s vision her priority. She enjoys the collaborative process and looks forward to hearing about your project.

    Crys is a Green Witch and novice nature photographer, spending her free time building a pollinator paradise and snapping photos of butterflies and bees. She lives with her husband, two kiddos, two dogs, one cat, a collection of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle memorabilia and a large library of fantasy and thriller novels.

    Contact Me